Vienna Set
from Disappoint of View series
collage and print on aluminium plate
Freud indicated that the point of the problem used to conceal where it was invisible, under cover (subconscious). After II World War he expressed an apology for the disappointment and providing only a “kind of mythology”. Some Viennese have suspect/ed the existence of the worst inclinations and work/ed with the phenomenon of the typical mentality of pushing things under the surface.
Thomas Bernhard with a Curtain
collage and print on aluminium plate, 2016

installation view from “Excessive Daytime Sleepyness”
solo show in Polnisches Institut Düsseldorf, 2016
curator: Sylwia Serafinowicz
coordinator: Monika Kumięga
I Have Difficulties Travelling
— text by Sylwia Serafinowicz

Elfriede Jelinek with a Curtain
collage and print on aluminium plate, 2010

Hermann Nitsch with a Curtain
collage and print on aluminium plate, 2010