Death Valley, 56ºC2021
concrete, reed, lamp, brass, 24-kr gold
Death Valley is a drainless depression area in the Mojave Desert in southern California. It is famous for its extreme weathers: the highest recorded temperature was 56°C (in 1920), and the average air humidity is 1%. The ubiquitous concrete and rising average global temperatures are a hellish combination that has turned drought into a global problem. In 2021 heat wave matched the record-breaking temperature from 100 years ago.

Death Valley, 56ºC
velvet, fluorescent bulbs (unplugged), thread

installation view from solo exhibition "Glare"
in Contemporary Museum Wrocław, 2021
photos: Małgorzata Kujda

installation views from Incontro Trasversale exhibition
duo-solo exhibition with Emanuel Geisser, Meinblau, Berlin 2024
photos: César Martins