Restless Legs Syndrome

solo exhibition
BWA Zielona Góra
curator: Anna Mituś

photo: Karolina Spiak, Kama Sokolnicka

Restless Legs Syndrome 1b
polycarbonate, 2015

outside viewer can see clearly just the lower parts of the bodies in the gallery and the viewers from the gallery can see the lower parts movement outside

Restless Legs Syndrome 1a
collage on paper, 2013

installation views:

A Saccade (Ruch przemieszczający spojrzenie)
felt, glass, gold, 2015

Gold of Thoughts (Złoto myśli), brass, 2015
and Kilogram, steel, plaster, 2013

These works were made during the residencies at Art OMI (NY, 2013), la malterie (FR, 2013) and Civitella Ranieri Fellowship (IT, 2015).

The exhibition features a selection of Kama Sokolnicka's artwork from her Jet Lag series. The title of the series, Jet Lag, is a term borrowed from medical terminology. Similar to the "restless leg syndrome", used in the exhibition title, jet lag is a sleep disorder. It is caused by travelling along a parallel. Symptoms include insomnia, problems with concentration, headache, disorientation, and exhaustion. Considering the story presented at the exhibition, it seems interesting that westbound travel is less bothersome, whilst travelling eastwards and the resulting "time loss", or its forward shift, causes more serious adaptive problems. Using terminology from sleep studies, Kama Sokolnicka creates a metaphor of the current condition of the world, where western societies are slowing down after a period of the jet economy prosperity. She creates condensed images, whose dreamy syntax has something nightmarish about it. Yet the artist shows only what is; barely putting it in a frame. These are simply shrinking fabrics, surprisingly heavy dainty objects, super-sticky liquid.

—excerpt from Anna Mituś curatorial text

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